Yubikey hands on: how to create, store and use GPG subkeys stored on your Yubikey

Speaker: Thomas Goirand

Track: Other

Type: Long talk (45 minutes)

Room: Sala de Videoconferencia

Time: Jul 25 (Thu), 13:30

Duration: 0:45

Like last year, Infomaniak is sponsoring 30 yubikeys for DDs, DMs and others. Nearly all have been already assigned, but if you are a DD, then you can still apply for one (by writing to zigo @ d.o, signed with your gpg key, using your Debian address), but please don’t do it in Curitiba, it will be too late.

Join me in a session where I’ll teach how to use your Yubikey. You will learn: - How to generate subkeys and what they are for. - How to store the Auth, Sign and Encrypt subkeys in your yubikey. - How to ssh using a Yubikey (using the ssh key derived from your Auth subkey). - How to use KeepassXC as password store, with the password vault encrypted with the HMAC store on your Yubikey.

This session will not cover using the Yubikey as 2FA device.